New cute monsters + back to it

It's been a while. I'm sorry for that.

Studies have been taking a lot of my time, also I've had issues with my tools and I started other projects. Anyway, back to work. I don't know how frequent new packs will come, but I'm gonna make more than what I've been putting out recently for sure.
I'm bringing you a new asset of cute monsters today. I'm not set on doing only that, but they're my most popular sets, so I might as well make some new ones for the people that have been waiting.

I stopped advertizing my work on external media because of the hate, but despite that, new people have been coming in and I received a lot of support, so I don't want to let go.

Also, I've upgraded my tools! Now images have a resolution of 1024x1024.

Cute monster Set #5 (free version)

Also, I've been experimenting a lot with other styles. I do that a lot, despite focusing on a specific style for my publications. I feel like sticking to a niche and a style is the best way to get a following, plus some of my added value is providing a lot of ready-for-use assets that can work together as a cohesive piece.

But anyway, I'm interested to hear what you guys think about other styles for asset packs, here's an example below.

Get Cute monster Set #5

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Absolutely love the new set, & hope to see more in that style when you're able!

The newer style in the above example reminds me of a MetroidVania style that I think looks great as well.