More potions, more items, more icons

Hi, I'm back.

I took a month break, for various projects, as well as letting go of steam from AI haters and thinking about how to deal with that. It's all good, and I'm back with a few toys.

As a reminder, from now on my packs will now include 48 assets, including 24 free assets and 24 premium assets. Although, some of my previous sets lacked the latter. I went ahead and add 24 premium assets for each of 3 asset packs:

Book & Scroll and Weapon sets are the only sets remaining without a premium part. They are a bit tricky due to updates for Dall-E 3 making it hard to fit the previous style exactly. I know some of you are hungry for free content, and don't worry, it's coming soon, but I'd like to wrap those up for December to make a good-looking bundle. Check them out if you enjoyed my previous work. I'm working on several sets in parallel, the next new one should be about Chests & Traps.


Get Status icon Set #1

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(1 edit) (+1)

Keep on going! You are producing outstanding assets with a gorgeous, distinctively stylized aesthetic. As the saying goes, "You can't please everyone all the time." 

Every time emails an update that you have new assets posted brings a high level of excitement!

Thank you for your creativity, vision, and resolve to persevere. 🛡️

That's really motivating, thanks a ton :')